"After Care Extended School Day"
Cost: $8 per hour per student


The ACES Program opens at dismissal and closes promptly at 6 pm. Children utilizing the program will be released directly to the staff at dismissal. All participants should bring an extra snack and drink for the afternoon and may bring a change of clothes if desired. Supervised homework time is provided and outdoor playtime (or open gym) encourages active play. Upon arrival, parents must enter the school at the entrance located at the parking lot in the back of the building (the glass library door.) Parents should then proceed to the ACES room to sign out their children.

Note: During the winter months, if school has an early release due to inclement weather, the ACES program will close at 3 pm. This is for the safety of our parents, students, and program staff. On a scheduled early release day, the program will open at dismissal (usually 12:45 pm.) and will remain open until 6:00 p.m. Any changes to this schedule will be communicated to participants by the staff.

Please note that this programs is available only on days that school is in session. On snow days or school vacations, CUBS and ACES will be closed.

To register for the CUBS and/or ACES programs, a registration and emergency form/release card must be completed.

CUBS and ACES Registration and Emergency/Release Form