Parent Involvement - The Heart of SBS


Parent involvement and volunteering are an important part of what makes St. Bernard the wonderful community it is. We appreciate everyone who has taken the time to help with our many school activities. To encourage more families to get involved, there is a volunteer requirement for each family at SBS to donate 25 hours of service to the school each year. These hours can be earned by helping out with almost any event or program. Some examples of school day opportunities include lunch and recess duty, helping in the library, assisting with Field Day or Catholic Schools Week activities, serving lunch at Grandparents Day, and assisting teachers on field trips. Hours can also be earned after school and on weekends by coaching one of our many sports teams, running an after-school club, mentoring one of our robotics teams, assisting with the school auction, serving breakfast with Santa, volunteering at the church carnival and many more. SBS is a very active school community, and this is thanks to our many volunteers!

We also understand that some parents work more than one job, travel a great deal, or have family obligations that make it harder for them to share their time and talents with the school. For those families, there is the option of making a $250 donation to the school in lieu of their 25 volunteer hours.

Do you have questions about volunteering at SBS? Contact our event and communications coordinator at [email protected] for more information.